Monday, January 3, 2011

Give Daily.

I don't have any New Year's Resolutions for 2011. But I do have a new set of "Personal Commandments"(a la Gretchen Rubin) I hope to follow. More than just a "Golden Rule" set of principles, these commandments are reminders to me about the way I want to live and what I want to prioritize. Because in case you haven't noticed, it's easy to forget that stuff when life grabs you by the throat. Or maybe that only happens to me.

In any case, here are my personal commandments, or reminders, in no particular order:
1. Grace yourself and grace others.
2. Don't try to do everything.
3. Embrace your choice.
4. Keep an eternal perspective.
5. Choose to connect.

I had stopped at these five, but today I was inspired to add another:

6. Give daily.

I'm not even sure what this means yet. But I want to be a generous person. I want to give of my time, talents and treasure. So I'm going to document my efforts to give daily here. Hopefully I'll gain some new perspective about what giving means!

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